Guaranteed Grant For SA Employers

The South Australian Government is incentivising businesses to employ. Whether it be full-time, part-time or casual employment you are eligible to take advantage of this job accelerator program.

These grants apply to businesses that employed workers in new positions between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2018.

Businesses that increase their number of employees will be eligible to receive one of two grants:

  • Job Accelerator Grant; or
  • Job Accelerator Grant for small business and start-ups

Job Accelerator Grant 

  • You are eligible to receive up to $10,000 ($5,000 each year for two years) per new full-time equivalent (FTE – average hours of 35 or more per week)  job created.
  • Businesses liable for payroll tax (payroll amounting to $600,000 or more) are eligible to apply for this grant.

Job Accelerator Grant for small business and start-ups

  • Up to $4,000 ($2,000 each year for two years) per new job created is available for businesses that are not liable for payroll tax.

How do I register for the scheme?

Provide documentation to substantiate the number of employees immediately before the position was filled or alternatively at the time of claiming the grant with Revenue SA.

Supporting evidence should include:

  • Most recent Business Activity Statement (BAS);
  • Personnel or wage records (e.g payslips)
  • ReturnToWorkSA records

If the new employee was sourced from a Group Training Organisation you will be required to provide documentation that reflects your agreement with the Group Training Organisation for this worker.

What is a Group Training Organisation (GTO)?

“A group training organisation (GTO) is a corporation established predominately to provide training and employment opportunities. GTOs employ apprentices and trainees and are responsible for ensuring that those employees receive suitable training and experience.”

How do I claim the grant?

You can claim through the grant online claim form (click here)

An application for a grant must be lodged within 90 days after the first and/or second-anniversary date of employment if the employment is eligible employment. If you do not claim within this 90 day period you will be ineligible for a grant for this new employment.

These grants apply to businesses that employed workers in new positions between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2018.

The position must be maintained for at least 12 months.

How much is the grant?

Anniversary First Second
Job Accelerator Grant $5000

per new FTE



per new apprentice/trainee FTE



per new FTE



per new apprentice/trainee FTE


Job Accelerator Grant for Small Business & Start-ups




per new employee



per new apprentice/trainee FTE



per new employee



per new apprentice/trainee FTE


Things to consider:

  • The Job Accelerator Grant for Small Business & Start-ups is only eligible for employers who employ workers that work at least 22 hours per week on average during the previous 12 months. Whereas the Job Accelerator Grant requires a minimum of 35 hours FTE per week.
  • Businesses that register a new employee for a grant will receive up to an additional $5000 if that employee is an eligible apprentice or trainee where the position is also deemed to be eligible for the grant. The additional $5000 grant for apprentices and trainees will be backdated to 1 July 2016 so businesses that have already hired a new apprentice or trainee are eligible for the additional grant.

For more information download this Job Accelerator Grant_Factsheet

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The post Guaranteed Grant For SA Employers first appeared on Vlassis & Co.



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